
Wiring up the city of WIEN to hear its resonances, to feel the hum and throb of the human HIVE. The dance of cars, the rythm of the lights, rush hour's estatic roar, all reduced to harmonic music in real-time.
Konzerthaus Wien 28.10.01


Roof mounted scanner view

Schubert Saal Tube

6.75m Tube mounted on car roof at the back entrance of the Konzerthaus
Hannes Strobl
Hannes Strobl Neuer Saal (central mix) Neuer Saal (central mix)
Hannes Strobl Neuer Saal (central mix) Neuer Saal (central mix; other view) Neuer Saal (central mix; other view)
Hannes Strobl Neuer Saal (central mix) Neuer Saal (central mix; other view) Neuer Saal (central mix; other view) Rupert Huber Rupert Huber
 Neuer Saal (central mix) Neuer Saal (central mix; other view) Neuer Saal (central mix; other view) Rupert Huber Rupert Huber
  Neuer Saal (central mix; other view) Neuer Saal (central mix; other view) Rupert Huber Rupert Huber
    Rupert Huber Rupert Huber

Box 30/70 in front of the Konzerthaus